
Departure is a six-part event series that follows the investigations of Kendra Malley (Archie Panjabi) and her team from the Federal Transportation Safety Authority (FTSA). In season one, the conspiracy series follows the mystery of a passenger plane that vanishes over the Atlantic Ocean and the ensuing investigation. In season two, Malley’s team unravels the happenings of
a fatal crash of a controversial new high-speed train traveling between Toronto and Chicago. In season three, the FTSA investigates the sinking of a sea ferry in “iceberg alley” as it was bound for St. John’s, Newfoundland. The series also features performances by Christopher Plummer, Kris Holden-Ried, Karen Leblanc and Eric McCormack.

  • GENREDrama
  • FORMAT18 x 1-hour
  • Seasons3
  • PARTNERSCorus, Red Arrow Studios, Starlings Entertainment