Murdoch Mysteries

Set in early 20th-century Toronto, Murdoch Mysteries is a compelling one-hour drama series that delves into the life of Detective William Murdoch. Renowned for pioneering advanced forensic methods, Detective Murdoch skillfully solves the city’s most daunting murders. This award-winning series continues to expand its reach, attracting a host of guest stars and icons like William Shatner, Ed Asner, Chris Hadfield and Margret Atwood.

Murdoch Mysteries has cultivated a passionate and devoted international fan base that is active in all aspects of the ‘Murdochverse’, branded experiences that enhance fan engagement beyond the traditional screen. These experiences were implemented as a 360-degree marketing strategy engaging viewers through diverse channels and platforms including: yearly sold-out, internationally-offered 7-day luxury tours, a collaboration with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and symphonies across Canada, specially designed merchandise, interactive games such as “Murdoch Escape Room” and “Crime Nights”, an innovative AR mobile game, a “Murdoch Mysteries Museum Exhibition”, and a hugely successful launch of a themed beer.

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  • GENRE Drama
  • FORMAT287 x 1-hour Drama
  • PARTNERSCBC, UKTV, ITV Studios, AcornTV, Ovation